Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Garden pics

Peonies in bloom

Pin(ya)ta rose in buds...the culprit who gets to the strawberries before they fully ripen  took a bite of the  rose bud. I'm glad he did not find it tasty.


so sweet 

Zach's sugar snap pea snack

make more please

Violette de Bordeaux

baby figs coming out

I am anticipating BLUE hydrangeas

hello salad

struggling malabar spinach

this squash keeps growing tall

pink peony unfolding

already black ants have made the sweetsmelling peony their bed

nasturtium seeding

more sugar snap peas for Snacker Z

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Here's what's growing in my garden:

My sweetheart co-gardener

hydrangea coming up  and purple alliums

peony buds

Zach's strawberry patch

Violette de Bordeaux figs coming up

Co-gardener getting to know the cherry tree


white allium

hosta with white bleeding heart

Zachy inspecting the sugar snap pea plants

see the baby figs coming up?

grapevine and sugar snap peas meet

like  shaking hands

should I keep them  apart?

lettuce flower

my mesclun bolting...sigh

parsley flowering 

much  anticipated bluberries

clematis, columbine and bleeding heart against the mirror I picked up from the  streets of Brooklyn  in 2008

growing seeds too

Sugar snap peas-----Zach's snack coming up 

sugar snap peas

Raspberry just starting to bloom....hohum!

 Zach picked these strawberries before the mystery creature takes a bite on  each one of them

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley,  Muguet du Bois in French said to be the bringer of happiness (porte-bonheur). I started with one plant given to me by a lady working in a garden as I passed by and struck a conversation with. Now I have  a patch of Lilly of the Valley beside the mint. The scent that both emanate together is quite interesting.

mint and lily of the valley mingling

what dainty little bells

I love their sweet faint scent



bringer of happiness