Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Last Saturday the three of us decided to visit our (Sandy-flooded out)  home in Long Beach and do some cleaning in our very small yard. The contractor who put up our walls left a lot of  wood pieces that he should have taken with him after his job was done.  So while Steve gathered the remnants, I puttered around in my wee garden and looked (desperately looked) for my perennials. The three big potted fig trees give me no clue at all if they made it or not. Not even one little bump of a bud. Although I am now rooting their cuttings in the water and the twigs are showing signs of life, except for the violette de bordeaux that got submerged in the combination of sea and bay water.

I am hoping big hopes for my pink and white decentera (bleeding heart) and (as big as my moonface) Lord Baltimore hibiscus, hydrangeas and 3 English roses...and more. So far I lost my pine tree out  back  and the  blue spruce in front of the house. I have a feeling my beech tree is still trying to make it.

 Meantime, while my  three potted fig trees are not showing any signs of  life, the cuttings I made from there are promising something.

Black Mission twigs are rooting and leafing out

Hardy Chicago budding and starting to root

Tiger Panache rooting
 Families on our street are very slowly trickling back to their houses. We hope to get settled back in June.
We miss our house and we are looking forward to moving back in. Storm Sandy really did a number on us. But we are all right, and still very blessed.