Monday, May 9, 2011

PostageStamp-sized Garden

My dream is to have a flower and vegetable garden adjacent to an orchard of fuyus, pomegranate, lemons and blueberries. Alas!  I only have a postagestamp-sized garden that will carry a few plants and some pots. I am still thankful for it as it is better than just having a windowsill for plants as when one is living in an apartment building. I make the most of what I have and celebrate life as much as I can. It's called counting blessings...
When one loves to garden and not have much space to plant in one resorts to pots ---

                                                            My habanero pot-Farm

OR I just allow myself one specie of plant at a time like this LONE sunflower

We make sure to enjoy it's beauty inside our home

                                                           It graces our little dining table

Humongous...a beauty front and back!

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