Thursday, April 19, 2012

Here's what's going on in my garden now.
the flowers that have come back don't seem to be robust---I wonder if it has something to do with  warm weather coming too early. then some cold days...

blueberries are in bloom

bleeding heart (Decentera Spectabilis??)

bleeding heart

Pear tree

Lily of the valley

look at the purple at the tip!

Love, love, love them. I hope they could stay longer.

the flower inspector coming home from school

I did not take shots of my  dwarf apple and cherry trees that are leafing out. The new roses  I got are ever so slowly leafing out too. Montauk daisies, hydrangeas, peonies and hostas are doing very well. The baby fig trees are just coming oh, sooo painfully slowly. My favorite hibiscus so far hasn't taken a peek. I hope it comes back as it always did for the last eight years. Here is hoping to a beautiful and edible garden!

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