Monday, August 26, 2013

Tomatoes, Tomatoes, All Over the Place!!!

I am not a tomato person, but my hubby is, so I plant them every year. When they are small in kind, he eats them like grapes. When they are big and looking luscious....Steve eats them like apples. I cannot eat tomatoes solo. They have to be paired with something like basil and  mozzarella as in caprese, or with other greens in salad or with avocado and garlic in guacamole or with pepper and  cucumber in picadillo  or with cilantro and cucumber and chili in salsa.

Tomatoes, cherry pepper, habanero pepper, kangkong (water spinach), alugbati (Malabar spinach) and shiso

See my lemon grass growing in the background?

Steve needs to eat them fast before the fruitflies find out...

This is a Black Krimm (volunteer heirloom tomato from last year tomatoes they grew on the ground like crazy this year and I let them) 

I cut them in half and slice them in bit-sizes for Steve to munch on.
Pink Himalayan salt and pepper make them taste even better.

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