Friday, May 13, 2011

My PostageStamp-sized Garden

My Tatay (Dad) made sure to plant fruit trees around our house---my childhood home. I still vividly remember how each fruit tree looked and where they were situated. I loved most of all the  java  guava trees that yielded humongous guavas and so many of them that we had an everlasting supply of guava jelly (the rest of the fruits were thrown in the pigsty  for them porcines to feast on).  Those guava trees had such  thick trunks spread out so that  I was able to play tag up in the trees with my friends. That was fun!!! The downside to the abundance of  guavas was that it gave me  many days of  constipation. Nevertheless, I  loved those trees. When my Tatay passed away in 1980---those three giant guava trees  died shortly after.

Now I realize why I get so excited at the sight of any fruiting tree and why I looong so much to have my own in my home. Alas! We have nil space to plant fruit trees. Thank God for  horticulturists who  breed dwarf  trees. Somehow, I get to plant what I can  in the  little  space that we have.
                                                               My dwarf apple tree

                                                                  My dwarf pear tree

My blueberry bush

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