Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fig Cuttings

I finally got the courage to prune my potted figs.

So last night I googled "rooting fig cuttings"

Ahh but there are many ways.

I'll just go the easiest way. Rooting them in water. Wish me well.


  1. Hi, great garden blog! I would really like to get a Tiger Panache and Violette de Bordeaux some day. Do you have an extra few cuttings I would gladly compensate you for? Thanks!

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  3. SURE Dee Tee, you can have some cuttings. (Sorry, I accidentally deleted my response earlier.) I am trying to root them in jars of water (the easiest way I think. I can almost see little white spots at the bottom (roots, I hope) and a tinge of green here and there at the top (buds?) Do you want them (now?) or do you want to wait until the cuttings are officially alive with legit roots and leaves? Well what part of the world do you live in anyway?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I checked the cuttings just now. The panache are dotted with white roots, the bordeaux are not rooting at all.

    3. Awesome, that would be great! I am in North Carolina. You could send them now if it is no trouble. From what I know, they will be okay gently wrapped in slightly moist newspaper. I really appreciate it!!

  4. That's okay, there's still a chance. Maybe the Bordeaux will just need more time.

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