Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I did not grow these in my garden. I picked these up at the beach as Zach and I frolicked  among the waves. I am enamored by its mossy-sagey and contrasting textures. I could not wonder enough if they are edible. I smelled them and immediately, my mouth watered. I miss eating a variety of seaweeds available in wet markets displayed mound after mound. Such delicious  salad ingredient. I could not help myself so I took a small bite of both seaweeds. They taste just as how I expected them to taste. For a while there in that small bite, I tasted the ocean, fresh and salty, just like the seaweed salads I used to eat back home. The green one was spongy and quite delicious. Just my type of seagreens. The brown one was equally wonderful and crunchy.  I could easily make salads out of these two, but I restrained myself. I cannot consume  plants that I  have not confirmed to be edible, no matter how tasty and scrumptuous looking. I decided to give these to my plants instead. Perhaps they will make good fertilizers like fish are.

I could imagine and almost taste these with diced tomatoes and red onions with strips of ginger and a drizzle of vinegar and anchovy sauce
I have yet to find out their names and "edibility" (if there is such a word)
Do you know?