Thursday, August 9, 2012

I jumped out of bed this morning (not too early) as soon as I had enough of wallowing in it. I was quite excited because I know I have some harvesting to do. I went out with my mug of coffee and got myself sunkissed for a dose of vitamin D. Another beautiful morning. Tonight rain will come, but just as well so I wont need to take the hose out today and give my pot garden a shower.
Here's my harvest this morning.

an assortment of heirloom tomatoes, violette de bordeaux and hardy chicago figs and a bunch of kangkong (water spinach)

kangkong will be sauteed in garlic and drizzled with oyster sauce

don't figs and tomatoes look good together?

luscious figs

the wannabee farmer soooo happy with her morning harvest!

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