Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Saturday noon, we left sunny Long Beach basking in spring weather for the Pocono mountains. Us pedagogues look forward to our yearly winterbreak every February . As we neared the Pocono Mountains, big fluffy wet snow greeted us. It fell until everything turned white. Every bare tree stood white and beautiful. I was entranced.

The next day, I went out and inspected the 3 blueberry bushes I planted last summer. The rocky soil they're in is not very hospitable but the plants are thriving. When our neighbor found out I planted  blueberries, she rolled her eyes and said, "Oh great!!! We'll have bears coming!" Wait till she finds out I'll plant more blueberries as soon as they are available. The rhubarbs have knobs peeking out. I wonder if the roses I planted will make it.

(pictures will follow when we get off the mountains and back to the city by the beach)

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