Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday afternoon all by my lonesome BUT not lonely. Aahhh, peace and quiet, this time is all mine,  today. I brew some tea, (multi-task a little bit to use my precious time wisely, which means do some laundry) and while the laundry is churning I put on channel 884 for some peaceful, sometimes melancholic scoundscape music. You might be wondering what I I did with my boys, I sent them to some friends (house)they met at the park for playdate. Zachary by now is playing with Ethan, and Steve is playing guitar with Ethan's Dad. I was actually invited to this family playdate but I declined earlier in the week thinking I will do some gardening, but today is such a rainy day gardening is just out of the question. Well, I never run out of things to do around the house, so I did some straightening in the bedrooms and kitchen while facebooking and blogging and chatting with my nephew in faraway Dubai, sweeping and vacumming and aarrghh...throwing papers and junkmail away! I look out the window and love the pouring of rain. Drinking tea goes very well with rainwatching and listening to soundscape music. I relish the peace and quiet.

glorious rain pouring down
note our first ripe strawberry in Spring

Zachary's waiting for this day of ripening

for the day of ripening is the day of reckoning


I'm all alone now in blissful peace...watching the rain...strawberry's gone
(the cacti and sedums I moved down under this table as they're getting too much rain)

ginger tea and almond wafers with chocolate filling (these are actually parisienne  macarons that did not rise---and when they do not rise and do not grow feet, I call them almond wafers---that's looking at life like a glass of milk that's half full

tea, wafers and rain...hmmmm

my discontinued tea pieces

Watching the rain from  the front window

watching the rain through the French door

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