Thursday, May 3, 2012

The fig shuffle---that's all I ever did this past two weeks with the temperature dipping down and  the rain pouring and the sun playing peekaboo. Bringing them in my already tight-spaced home at night, and taking them out in the morning to catch what little sunlight falls on my porch. Then the rain got me wrapping the fig pots with garbage bags so as not  to get them over-soaked. The unpredictable weather has got the plants confused somehow.   Over the weekend, I followed the sunspots in my wee yard to get my figs leafing out. At one point, my neighbor actually caught me talking to my fig tree. He could not contain himself and asked, "Are you talking to your plant?"
And I said, "But of course!" [ I need to give them a lot of lovin' if I am to eat sweet figs this summer!] My mom and Dad used to leave the radio on with smooth music playing for their myriad of  orchids to enjoy.

Fig tree sleepsover inside on chilly nights

outside basking in the sun

hardy chicago budding so painfully slow

i already lost two figs from all the shuffling

white and pink bleeding hearts are not as robust as last spring's

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