Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Coming home from a two-week vacation, the first thing I noticed were my pots of tomatoes having only stems standing upright. I knew some kind of caterpillar ate the leaves up. As I approached the pots I saw the most hideous....ahhh blood-curdling caterpillar crawling up the tomato stem. One that is encumbered with wasp eggs. My annoyance for it having eaten the tomato leaves turned to pity. Poor caterpillar.  Ugh...I have goosebumps looking at it. So I poked it off the stem till it fell unto the deck floor. If the poor caterpillar did not have those parasite eggs on its body, I would have squished it with a vengeance. I studied it a little longer as it crawled on the floor and  every wavy movement it made causing the eggs to wave with the motion, I grew more goosebumps. Finnally, I squished it with a stem but this time doing so like I was giving it a favor to end its misery.


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