Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good morning!!!
Here is a splash of sunshine I am sending your way.

I love summer! I love that I have more than two months to spend with my husband and son. I love that I can do away with my alarm clock, and just wallow in bed like a pig in the mud. I love that I can take naps on lazy afternoons. I love that I can just walk to the beach and hang out in there ALL DAY if I want to. 
Hmmm....I love you, Summer.


  1. Ganda! Hope we get to see your garden (and beach) at the end of the month. - Jo-Ann and Nash :)

  2. Hi Jo-Ann and Nash,
    I'd love to have you over later this month. I'll definitely get in touch with you when we get back from visitng family. We'll do a bbq lunch, then head to the beach after.
